Moses Law, P.C.

Empowering Employees, Enforcing Equity:

Your Oregon Employment Law Advocate

Discrimination & Harassment 

We fight for justice when workplace discrimination or harassment tarnishes your career. 

Our experienced team safeguards your rights and dignity, ensuring a workplace free from bias.

Wrongful Termination

When your employment is unjustly terminated, we'll be your advocates. 

We pursue compensation and reinstatement, holding employers accountable for unlawful actions.

Wage & Overtime Disputes

We help you ensure that you're paid fairly for
all your hard work. 

We litigate wage and overtime disputes,
securing what's rightfully yours.

What Sets Us Apart at Moses Law, P.C.


Moses Law, P.C. offers premier legal representation to employees and individuals facing workplace challenges.

Championing Employee Rights in Oregon


At Moses Law, P.C., we believe that every employee deserves a fair, respectful, and equitable workplace. Our mission is to advocate for those who have been wronged, guiding them through the complexities of employment law with compassion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of justice. 

Our Promise


At Moses Law, P.C., we promise to stand by your side every step of the way, ensuring that your voice is heard and your rights are upheld. 

Together, we'll pave the way for a brighter, fairer future in the workplace. 

620 SW 5th Ave Ste 900 #104

Portland, OR 97204

(971) 770-1317

Contact Us